Applications to Freeze Semester

Applications to Freeze Semester | Format,  Samples & Templates

Applications to Freeze Semester | Format,  Samples & Templates. In this fast-paced world of technology, where every action is done with thumbs on touchscreens, writing apps by hand has become an outdated idea. Now companies have online portals to submit applications online. But even in this ever-evolving world of technology, there are certain applications that need to be physically launched. One such application is the suspended semester application.

Further, you must have come across the word frozen semester in the university definition. But have you ever wondered what it really means? “Withdrawal is the process of suspending or suspending university studies.” Therefore, a request for suspension of a semester can define as follows: “A formal request to the higher authorities of an educational institution to suspend the work of a composer for a specified period of time for a good reason is called a suspension application. semester. .” Now that we know what a suspended semester is, let’s now discuss why there is a suspended semester. You may also interested: How to Improve Personal Development Skills .

Reasons of taking Decision to Freeze Semester

There are many reasons to take a semester break. However, there is only one reason that many people know, and that is financial problems. There is another common reason why students take a semester break. The reason is that many students apply to university during their university studies to save their time effectively. When they placed in the desired training programs, they are asked to suspend the semester until further notice and return after a specified period of time.

Also during COVID-19, several countries closed their borders to international travel, leaving foreign students stranded in their home countries who are on vacation before the arrival of COVID-19. And now students want to freeze their semesters during this pandemic; for them to save the duration of the degree after this pandemic is over. This can be done by submitting an application to freeze the semester due to the pandemic.

Format of writing an Applications to Freeze Semester

To make it easier for those who do not know how to apply in any other way than online, let alone write an application, we have developed a format for preparing a semester interruption application. The planned format is indicated below:

1. Address of Recipient

The most important part of the suspended semester application is the recipient’s address. Also, it should place in the upper left corner of the page and the address of the recipient includes the name of the person to whom the request is addressed, the name of the institution and the name of the city.

2. Subject

Another important element in a frozen semester application is the subject. Further, It must write concisely and must be able to highlight the essence of the application immediately and the subject line placed right next to the margin, leaving a line after the recipient’s address.

3. Salutation

The words honored or respected write after “sir” or “ma’am”. The salutation is a two-word phrase on the left side of the page that leaves a line after the subject.

4. Body of Application

Similarly, the body is a semester application that must frozen and it includes the reason why you intend to drop the semester. Otherwise, the semester stay period also indicated.

5. Gratitude

After writing the text, a thank you phrase also added to show respect to the recipient.

6. Adddress of Sender

The sender address serves as a conclusion to your request. It must contain the student’s name, degree and subject name and registration number.

7. Date

The application also states the date the application prepared, which places in the margin next to the sender’s address.


Lastly, this article has given you a complete guide on how to write a sincere semester suspension request with examples for two of the most common cases. Let us know how helpful you found this article in the comments section below. That’s it for this article!.

Sample Application to Freeze Semester


The Head of Department,
University of Oxford,
United States of America.

John Michael,
Business Department,
Contact. 0000000000

Subject: Application to Freeze Semester

Dear Sir / Madam!

I want to inform you that I (Name of Student) am studying Engineering Degree at [University Name] with registration number zzz-zzzzzz. It should also mention that I graduated last semester with a 3.3 GPA and promoted to the sixth semester of the degree program. Please note that I will not be able to attend next semester due to international embassy travel restrictions.

I humbly request you to allow me to suspend the next semester for your knowledge.


Thanks in advance..


Yours Obediently,
(Your  Name),
(Department Name),
(Your Registration number).
Dated: March 11, 2024.


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